What Kinds of Substance Use Disorders Are Treated With Drug Addiction Treatment?

· Addiction Treatment
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There are various treatment options available for drug addiction. These options include: drug rehab centers, medications, self-help programs, social service programs and support groups. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks. Below is a brief description of each option:

Medication Based Drug Rehabilitation (CBT) This is the most popular method of drug addiction treatment. People with mild to moderate drug addiction can benefit from CBT. CBT works by confronting the drug user with their drug use and then helping them to cope with their cravings by providing cognitive behavioral therapy. It is imperative that when using prescription drugs, people undergoing CBT do not develop a tolerance for the drug they are being treated for. Check out also Accredo specialty pharmacy to find out more.

Substance Abuse Detoxification (SAD) An alternative form of drug addiction treatment that requires inpatient admission. When someone completes inpatient detoxification, they will be required to complete an all encompassing 12 step program. Inpatient detoxification can provide short term care when other treatment options are not working. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) offers residential, outpatient, short-term, long-term, community, or college alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs. Many community and colleges also offer diploma programs that allow a person to finish their degree while battling substance abuse.

Prescription Drug Abuse (PDA) Medications are administered to individuals in drug addiction treatment. Most commonly, PDA's are utilized to curb cravings for addictive substances such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and crack. A few medications are approved by the FDA specifically for the treatment of pain. These medications are not used commonly however, due to the risk of abuse and addiction.

Counseling Drug addiction counseling is provided for both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. In outpatient treatment programs, patients can schedule in sessions on a weekly basis or at specific times throughout the day. Some clinics offer one on one counseling, but most prefer group counseling with a trained professional. Both types of counseling can be very effective in the recovery of patients. Alcohol and drug addiction counselors are able to identify and treat symptoms, work with patients to develop strategies, and provide emotional and mental support. Counselors may refer their clients to a local substance abuse treatment center, if it is not possible for them to continue the program at home.

Treatment options can be extremely varied for people suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction. Because there are so many different approaches to treating substance use disorders, it is important for people struggling to overcome their addiction to find a program that is right for them. It is important that people do not neglect themselves during their recovery. By maintaining a strong support system of family members, friends, and professionals they will be able to weather any storm during the recovery process. With proper medications, a clean environment, and consistent counseling, patients will be able to maintain an active and productive life free from the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction. Discover more here...